Wednesday, 12 October 2016

 Permit me to offer occasional musings. You will realise no doubt that I sometimes dispair of the way society is progressing. i will leave you to judge whether to adopt an optimistic or pessimistic view of the future of the world !

There are ideas and notions appertaining to our society that are worthy of study and others that may be better to ignore. The problem with this is that we have all differing opinions based on what we hear, see and eventually believe. So who can say what is true and what is heresay?
There are those who are in an advantageous position to instill belief or conviction of their particular ideas; or to put their ideas and plans into action to what they consider either their private gain or the Public  good. History is littered with actions which have produced positive good, and sadly many that  have had the reverse effect. The present day is no exception and with the increase in knowledge the actions that may be taken are often devoid of common sense.
As we are told regularly the planet is a fragile object and we humans, as its principal actors, do not always treat it and its components with the respect it deserves to ensure its longevity as a place for animal and plant life to live in harmony and health.
Many problems that we face stem from the demands that we all make for our comfort and convenience which often lead to solutions that through the wonders of science and misplaced scientific knowledge risk in creating more problems than those that may have solved.
Sorting the good from the bad is not always easy. The famous ethereal highway – the Internet – hosts millions of words dedicated to the explanations of the ideas and an almost equal number of contrasting arguments disproving or procreating other points of view.
The apparently mundane subject of aeroplane vapour trails (like hot breath on cold glass) has produced a swarm of ideas from those who suspect these trails are laden with noxious chemicals. The ominous implications of these aeroplane ‘chem trails’, as they have been entitled,  that criss-cross our skies range from weather warfare, schemes on behalf of power seeking politicians, death and destruction, the end of the planet  etc. by authors of controversial  conspiracy theories. Some consider there is regular and intentional spraying of hazardous chemicals over our heads. Most consider the vapour trails are hot gases in very cold air with the minimal chemical fall out to be expected from exhaust fumes. For you to judge !
Like it or not we are surrounded by chemicals in what we breathe, eat or drink; some avoidable, many not. A recent Que Choisir report insinuates that we welcome into our homes many chemicals in cleaning fluids, insect repellents and sprays, plant remedies and the like. They often contain harmful molecules as evil as those used in agricultural pesticides, that have such bad press. Television programmes may tell you that we eat residues of pesticides in the majority of our foods. What they might forget to say is that this majority is well below the legal safety levels. The water we drink is strictly controlled and monitored. What is added to bottled drinks may not always for our best interests.
The entire subject of what we are told we should be afraid of in our daily lives is often subject to exaggeration and misplaced or misinterpreted reporting to make news. As the old adage says there is no smoke without fire but it is not often a raging inferno.
We should be careful to weed out the improbable from the impossible. The sensible from the absurd.
To quote Karl Lagerfeld “Absurdity and anti—absurdity are the two poles of creative energy.” 
That energy we could put to good effect !                     Que Choisir is the French equivalent to Which magazine.

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